
Ropka Law

We have successfully competed for top-flight legal work in local, regional and national markets. We have achieved this success with our reputation for legal excellence, our keen business sense, our commitment to service, our investment in client relationships, and a problem-solving approach to law.

About Us

We are a full-service law firm with a reputation for providing the highest quality, result-driven legal services to corporations, individuals, and religious institutions. Just as each client is unique, our law firm is unique. We differentiate ourselves from our colleagues with the quality of our relationships, both with our clients, the professionals we support and with each other. While the breadth and depth of our practice experience is large enough to handle the most challenging and sophisticated legal matters, our small firm approach recognizes and appreciates the individuality of each of our clients. This gives us the freedom to practice law based on our strengths and, more importantly, allows us to focus fully on our clients, offering the exceptional service they deserve.

Ropka Law, LLC has extensive knowledge in the principal areas of Business, Mergers and Acquisitions, Tax, Estate Planning and Administration, Securities and Real Estate. We are nationally recognized for our Securities practice in the area of Registered Investment Management Companies.




Main Office:
215 Fries Mill Road
Turnersville, NJ 08012

By Appointment Only:
1101 Crane Drive
Suite 100, Cherry Hill NJ 08003
150 Himmelein Road
Medford, NJ 08055

Mon. – Fri. 8 am to 5 pm
t (856) 374 1744
f (866) 272 8505